@book{ 181-020141811, title = {From data to models and back: 9th International Symposium, DataMod 2020, virtual event, October 20, 2020, revised selected papers}, series = {}, series = {12611}, author = {Bowles, Juliana and Broccia, Giovanna and Nanni, Mirco}, editor = {Bowles, Juliana}, editor = {Broccia, Giovanna}, editor = {Nanni, Mirco}, address = {Cham, Switzerland}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2021}, pages = {226}, isbn = {9783030706494}, language = {English}, note = {Cancelled due to Covid-19, held online.}, note = {Print on demand edition.}, note = {Formerly CIP.}, url = {http://link.springer.com/}, url = {https://katalog.fid-bbi.de/Record/181-020141811} }