@book{ 183-155259466, title = {Conservation of historic and artistic works on paper: proceedings of a conference Symposium 88 - Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works on Paper, Ottawa, Canada October 3 to 7, 1988 : les actes de la conférence Symposium 88 - La Conservation des Œuvres Historiques et Artistiques sur Papier, Ottawa, Canada 3 au 7 octobre 1988 = Conservation des œuvres historiques et artistiques sur papier}, author = {Burgess, Helen D.}, editor = {Burgess, Helen D.}, address = {Ottawa}, publisher = {Canadian Conservation Institute}, year = {1994}, isbn = {0662594185}, language = {English}, language = {French}, note = {Literaturangaben. - Beitr. teilw. in engl., teilw. in franz. Sprache}, url = {https://katalog.fid-bbi.de/Record/183-155259466} }