@book{ 183-1776314433, title = {Flexible Query Answering Systems: 14th International Conference, FQAS 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 19–24, 2021, proceedings}, series = {}, series = {12871}, author = {Andreasen, Troels and Tré, Guy de and Kacprzyk, Janusz and Larsen, Henrik Legind and Bordogna, Gloria and Zadrożny, Sławomir}, editor = {Andreasen, Troels}, editor = {Tré, Guy de}, editor = {Kacprzyk, Janusz}, editor = {Larsen, Henrik Legind}, editor = {Bordogna, Gloria}, editor = {Zadrożny, Sławomir}, address = {Cham}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {}, publisher = {}, year = {2021}, isbn = {9783030869663}, language = {English}, url = {https://www.gbv.de/dms/tib-ub-hannover/1776314433.pdf}, url = {https://katalog.fid-bbi.de/Record/183-1776314433} }