@book{ 183-1809705096, title = {#mustsee}, author = {Altmann, Susanne and Westerholz, Patrizia and Bogers, Britta and Lomasko, Victoria and Kroker, Mirjam and Krieg, Isabelle and Guenther, Antje and Grossarth, Ulrike}, editor = {Altmann, Susanne}, editor = {Westerholz, Patrizia}, editor = {Bogers, Britta}, editor = {Lomasko, Victoria}, editor = {Kroker, Mirjam}, editor = {Krieg, Isabelle}, editor = {Guenther, Antje}, editor = {Grossarth, Ulrike}, address = {Dresden}, publisher = {publish&print Verlag}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9783946339335}, language = {German}, note = {"Die Publikation erscheint im Rahmen des Projekts #mustsee der Galerie Ursula Walter" - Impressum}, url = {https://d-nb.info/126358912X/04}, url = {https://katalog.fid-bbi.de/Record/183-1809705096} }