@book{ 183-1810552907, title = {Augmented cognition: 16th International Conference, AC 2022, held as part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, virtual event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, proceedings}, series = {}, series = {13310}, author = {Schmorrow, Dylan D. and Fidopiastis, Cali M.}, editor = {Schmorrow, Dylan D.}, editor = {Fidopiastis, Cali M.}, address = {Cham, Switzerland}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9783031054563}, language = {English}, note = {Konferenzangaben: 16th International Conference on Augmented Cognition (AC 2022), held as part of the 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2022 (HCII 2022) ; it was planned to be held at the Gothia Towers Hotel and Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Göteborg, Sweden, but it was run as a virtual conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic}, url = {https://www.gbv.de/dms/tib-ub-hannover/1810552907.pdf}, url = {https://katalog.fid-bbi.de/Record/183-1810552907} }