Illustration research methods

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Illustration research methods
Gannon, Rachel (VerfasserIn); Fauchon, Mireille (VerfasserIn)
London, UK ;, New York, NY :: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2021
Online version:
Gannon, Rachel., Illustration research methods, London ; New York : Bloomsbury Visuasl Arts, 2020
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  • Illustration research (Defining illustration practice, principles and methods. A frame-work for researching as an illustrator)
  • Authorship (Using narrative theory to analyse how narratives are constructed and communicated. Storytelling as an illustrative research method and how stories function in the 'real world'. Distinctive methods for reading, analysing and interpreting texts as an illustrator and how words and text can be illustration.)
  • Reporting (Where and how to start researching in documentary and journalistic practices. Methods for researching the lived experience of others, including listening and observing, and engaging people and communities through practice. Navigating issues and concerns around authenticity, truth, representation, accountability and positioning.)
  • Crafting (Making as a distinctive research method, where the workshop is a laboratory, and thinking happens through experimentation and prototyping. Understanding materials, tools, and objects and how they hold and convey meaning. Applying illustrative thinking and methods to found objects, 3d forms, tactile works and the virtual realm.)
  • Activism (Why an understanding of political and economic ideas and structures is needed for an informed research practice. Strategies and methods the illustrator can use to 'activate' audiences and disseminate ideas. The illustrator as facilitator and working with people and communities.)
  • Education (Pedagogic ideas and methods and how to develop your own distinctive approach or philosophy. Using illustration as a method and an outcome to teach/learn other subjects including creating educational experiences and activities, using storytelling and (self) narrativisation and interactivity, and performative methods.)
  • Illustration futures. (Speculative imaginings for illustrators as a discipline, practice and method.)
  • Appendix (Practical advice and useful information for proposals, interviews and working with others. How to ensure a reflective, responsible and ethical approach to research.).